Green Phoenix has operated as a not-for-profit social enterprise for more than ten years, working with hundreds of volunteers from a wide range of backgrounds. Our flagship project ‘Coed Phoenix’ is a woodland nature reserve situated on the edge of the Cambrian mountains in Wales.
Over the years we have delivered hundreds of free wildlife and ecology sessions almost all of which were managed by unpaid volunteers. Our scientific studies have been wide-ranging and the creation of resources such as field guides, spotter books, and wildlife reports have helped many of our volunteers to understand a great deal more about the world around them.
At the heart of our work is the recognition that humans have a need to engage with wild spaces and an understanding of how this can have a positive impact on the health and well-being of individuals and communities.
In an increasingly uncertain world, we have decided that our wild therapy based work should be given equal status to scientific studies.
We intend to begin a long-term scientific research programme, sharing our data with global communities and working with many more volunteers in order to achieve this. We are now forming a partnership with NASA and their excellent Globe programme which will allow us to contribute to a world-class scientific project involving more than 120 countries.
Would you like to help? Donations are always welcomed and greatly appreciated. Would you like to volunteer? All are welcome whether novice, enthusiast or expert.